I’m a coach…now what?
When you’ve taken the brave step to use your skills and expertise as a coach, the world feels full of possibilities.
You’re excited for the opportunity to help people and the flexible lifestyle coaching affords sounds like heaven.
You create your Facebook Page with pride and anticipate all those wonderful people flocking towards you, eager to have the chance to work with you.
It truly is a glorious time, those first heady days…
And then a few weeks go by…and no-one books.
And then a few months go by…and no-one books.
And you tell yourself it’s all gonna be okay – you kinda knew this may take a little time, so you share really useful stuff on social media, start reaching out to people, it’s all okay – this is gonna work.
And then you start sniffing around to see what else is ‘out there’…
And that’s when the wheels start to fall of.
It suddenly seems like every woman and her cat are offering the exact same stuff as you, but they’ve been doing it longer, better and with more success.
They have huge social media followings and seem to get fully booked every time they sneeze.
Panic starts setting in and you notice all these incredible life-lines pop-up everywhere all promising to hold the Secret Key that you absolutely must use to unlock yourself from this no-client-hell.
You sign-up to everything going, spend hours trawling through free information, try to piece stuff together, even taking liberal inspiration from what everyone else is doing.
And STILL…no bites.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Being a coach is a calling – you have an incredible gift and you’re here to share it…all the skills and experiences you’ve had over your lifetime are what enable you to step-up and do this work.
But…you’ve realised that to be a successful coach, you also have to become a savvy and successful business owner.
There’s no getting around it.
Alongside being an awesome coach, you have to get to grips with complex marketing strategies, tech tools, sales piplelines, freebies, challenges, social media, paid ads…the list feels endless.
On top of that you need to stay super focussed, courageously show-up everywhere talking about your journey and making bold offers, and hold your nerve.
The sad fact is, a huge percentage of coaches never make it past the first few years because they fail to master the business and marketing stuff and are forced to retreat.
This makes me sad, because there are so many people out there who do need your help, and nothing should stand in the way of that.
That’s why I became a coach – to help you become the successful coach you’re destined to be.
To save you from the heartache, frustration and self-doubt that comes from spending precious time trying to piece together the answers yourself, I’ve created The Clarity Academy.
This sacred space is home to over 20 years of sales and marketing experience, my 8 years as a business owner, and mind-boggling levels of investment in myself and my knowledge.
This is where you’ll be so supported, you’ll breathe out, and have faith that you’re taking each step in the right order at the right time to turn your coaching business around for good.
I’m getting ready to guide a small group of purpose-driven coaches into the world of building a coaching business based on harnessing the power of your mission to create a powerfully magnetic revenue generating offer journey that will give you the structure, focus and confidence you need to be able to do the work you love.
This message is coming from my heart, because I don’t want to see another light go out when I know I can help you burn brighter than ever.
There are only a few days remaining to join me in The Clarity Academy, and if this has resonated with you and you feel called to invest in yourself and your business, follow this link to learn more and get started >> https://sallyoddy.com/clarity-academy
I’m truly excited to work with you.
Sally xo
Sally Oddy has a business and marketing career spanning over 20 years and brings huge passion, creativity and courage to everything she does.
A business owner since 2012, Sally has transitioned from her Outsourced Head of Marketing consulting business to the online world as a leading Business, Marketing & Mindset Coach.
Having put in the time, tried and tested many tools, techniques and frameworks, Sally is now offering other Consultants, Coaches and Creatives the opportunity to bypass the years of hustle and learn how to quickly grow a liberating and lucrative online business with The Clarity Academy.
During this fun, interactive, and results-driven 12 week coaching experience, you’ll gain the belief, focus, direction and resilience that comes from having a singular vision and magnifying your mission; a totally unique business built on rock-solid foundations; and a stand-out product suite that attracts and retains a consistent flow of clients.
To find out more about The Clarity Academy and start today click here https://sallyoddy.com/clarity-academy

Let's do this together xx
MEET SALLY ODDYBusiness, Marketing & Mindset Mentor
Sally works with soulpreneurs, pouring over 20 years experience into their hearts, minds and businesses.
Passionate about living life on purpose, Sally is all about honouring and accepting the fullness of self.
In-powering her clients to experience life in beautiful, bold, expansive ways is how they create and attract abundance and success into their lives.
Guiding her clients to dive deeply into their vision and mission, Sally shares her aligned approach to building online businesses that have a deeply positive impact in the world.
Sally is a Yorkshire Lass who grew up in 80's South Africa and is on a mission to inspire you to fulfil your dreams and potential in order to create a more in-powered and happy world.
Find out about how to work with Sally privately in her unique Mentorships or in a supportive group setting in The Prosperous Coach Collective
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