I never understood the value of having a coach before this year, but I’ve been interested in being a coach for a long time.

I know, that makes no sense at all!

About 8 years ago I set out to try to understand what a coach did, and attended a weekend long coaching academy.

I wanted to learn some new skills, and understand if coaching was a business option for me.

I guess I also wanted to understand if I would benefit from having a coach myself, because I was on the cusp of starting my own business.

Just a bunch of questions…

The weekend was geared toward life coaching, so it was a lot of ‘don’t give the answers, ask questions, help them find the answers…’

It just wasn’t my style at all.

I’m incredibly practical and action-orientated when it comes to my business, and I just didn’t see the value in someone coming in and just asking a bunch of questions.

As a marketing expert, I also didn’t see how me doing this would add any value, when it’s my marketing expertise that help make businesses work – not a bunch of questions.

Strategic partners…

Looking back, it’s a real shame I didn’t probe into the world of coaching a little deeper, because I would have seen that it isn’t all about ‘holding space’ and ‘being a mirror’ and ‘guiding you towards your truth’.

I now know that there are different types of coaches, and different styles of coaching.

I know that a directive coach goes the step further to actually give you the answers, and that coaches can become extremely valuable strategic partners in your business.

Fear held me back…

I also now recognise that another thing that held me back from working with a coach all these years was fear.

When you work with a coach, there really is no place to hide – they have a knack of getting under your skin and right to the heart of what’s really going on, and that feels exposing and scary.

Clarity and focus…

Earlier this year I spoke with a ‘proper coach’ for the first time, and the scales fell from my eyes.

I gained such clarity, insight and focus. I was bubbling with ideas and felt more confident in implementing them.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with a few coaches now, and realise there are many types and styles of coaching, it’s just about finding the right fit for you.

I’d found my calling…

As I learned more about coaching, I realised that it was what I was meant to be doing all along (doh!), and it’s what I’d been searching for all these years.

When I changed my job title back in February I took a deep breath, thinking everyone would storm forward saying I’m a marketer, not a coach.

For me, being a good coach is about helping my clients get to the heart of themselves, and then designing a profitable business around their true purpose.

I could do it all along…

I’ve realised that my business and marketing background have given me a keen instinct for what works in business, and I have the strategies and experience to actually make things happen.

I’ve also realised that being a natural observer, with an insatiable curiosity for what makes people tick, is serving me incredibly well as a coach!

Going back to school…

I’m about to embark on the next phase on my coaching journey and get properly qualified as a Mindset Coach.

I studied psychology in university, and human behavior and motivation has always been fascinating to me, so this Mindset Coaching course is right up my street!

I also know that it will help me to serve my clients in a much more powerful way, tearing down barriers and filling them with empowering self-belief.

The more I do that, the better equipped they’ll be to implement the business and marketing strategies I give them!

It’s a way of life…

I now know that I’ll work with coaches for the rest of my career – because I finally see the value in having someone:

  • in my corner
  • who doesn’t believe the negative things I tell myself
  • who holds me accountable
  • fills me with clarity, focus and confidence
  • and actually tells me what the hell to do from time to time!

Bust your myths…

If you are curious / scared / disparaging about working with a coach, I’d like to offer you a chance to experience it for yourself.

We can have a chat, I’ll do my ultimate best to deliver a powerful experience that you’ll never forget, and you can then decide if you’d benefit from working with a coach.

No hidden agenda, no sell, no expectations – if I can help clear your misconception, give you some value, and maybe help you to see the benefits of having someone in your corner, I’ll be happy.

You can book a call with me here:

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Let's do this together xx

MEET SALLY ODDYBusiness, Marketing & Mindset Mentor

Sally works with soulpreneurs, pouring over 20 years experience into their hearts, minds and businesses.

Passionate about living life on purpose, Sally is all about honouring and accepting the fullness of self.

In-powering her clients to experience life in beautiful, bold, expansive ways is how they create and attract abundance and success into their lives.

Guiding her clients to dive deeply into their vision and mission, Sally shares her aligned approach to building online businesses that have a deeply positive impact in the world.

Sally is a Yorkshire Lass who grew up in 80's South Africa and is on a mission to inspire you to fulfil your dreams and potential in order to create a more in-powered and happy world.

Find out about how to work with Sally privately in her unique Mentorships or in a supportive group setting in The Soulpreneur Success Hub Monthly Membership


If you're an established online business owner who knows a few tweaks and focus will get you headed in the right direction...[BUT YOU'VE EITHER NEVER WORKED WITH A BUSINESS MENTOR BEFORE SO ARE UNSURE IF IT'S FOR YOU, OR YOU'VE BEEN BURNED WITH A BAD EXPERIENCE AND WANT TO TEST THE WATERS]

I invite you to book a 30 Minute 'Plan Of Action Session'Here's what happens during a POA Session...

  • Look at your niche, programs and price points to see what's possible for you in the next 90 days
  • Assess your current marketing, sales and delivery systems to uncover the #1 thing that's been holding you and your business back
  • Develop a 3-step action plan to get you unstuck, levelled-up and moving forward
  • You'll leave clear, confident and excited to take your coaching business to the next level