How To Make More Money In Your Coaching Business By Answering Six Simple Questions

Success in business is largely dependent on the questions you’re asking yourself.

I LOVE using questions to dig deeper into the heart of my business.

It’s a technique I’ve used for years to help my clients get clarity, focus and direction and the best news is:

The simpler the better!

There are six questions you can ask to dive deeper into pretty much any are of your business, and they are:

  1. Who
  2. What
  3. Where
  4. When
  5. Why
  6. How

All of my clients are specifically guided to apply these questions to the four areas of business that are the foundations of profitability:

  • Client
  • Problem
  • Promise
  • Offer

In this rapid-fire implementation blog, I’m GIVING you the six questions in the context of these core business areas, so all you have to do to get a massive clarity-check-in is take a little time today answering them.

If there are any areas that feel woolly, these are areas for you to focus on exploring in more detail.


Let’s go:


  • Who is my aligned client
  • What does she need/want/feel
  • Where is she on her journey
  • When will she be ready for the solution
  • Why is this so important for her/the impact of the result
  • How can I help her achieve her desires


  • Which problem am I most motivated to help people overcome
  • What’s the scale/impact of the problem
  • What’s the impact of doing nothing
  • What’s the impact on doing something
  • Who has the motivation to solve the problem
  • How motivated are they to solve the problem
  • When does this problem become unbearable
  • Why is resolving the problem so important / long term impact
  • How do I help resolve the problem
  • Where has my experience come from


  • What is the result/outcome of my offer
  • Why is the result/outcome so important
  • When do people recognise the need for the solution
  • Who needs the result/outcome the most / most motivated
  • What’s the number 1 thing people get from working through my offer
  • What’s the big impact it will have in their lives
  • How motivated are they to solve the problem and get the result
  • How do I deliver on my big promise
  • Where do I deliver on my big promise
  • How can they work with me to get the result/outcome


  • What exactly is my offer
  • What does it deliver – the result/outcome
  • How does it get clients to the outcome
  • What is the transformational journey
  • How long does it take
  • Why is the result/outcome so important
  • When do people recognise the need for the solution
  • Who needs the result/outcome the most / most motivated
  • What’s the number 1 thing people get from working through my offer
  • What’s the big impact it will have in their lives
  • How motivated are they to solve the problem and get the result
  • How do I deliver my offer
  • Where do I deliver my offer
  • What’s the investment and client ROI
  • How can they work with me to get the result/outcome

If you can answer these questions with complete certainty, CONGRATULATIONS – you have Client, Problem, Promise and Offer Clarity.

As long as you always make sure you’re filtering your offers and messaging through these answers, everything should be aligned and you’re set for profit.

If you haven’t got clarity on these questions, it’s time to dig deeper and review your offers and messaging while you’re at it.

Without Clarity, you’ll struggle to position and market your offers in a way that resonates with your aligned client.

And this could be a reason your impact and income has stalled.

If you do find the wool is pulled firmly over your eyes, you may want to click here to check out my business growth intensive where I guide coaches to gain clarity on these areas and build profitable businesses around them.

Hope you’ve found this useful today.

If you have any questions or if things aren’t quite clicking, my inbox is always open so drop me a note to

Lotsa luv, Sally x


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Let's do this together xx

MEET SALLY ODDYBusiness, Marketing & Mindset Mentor

Sally works with soulpreneurs, pouring over 20 years experience into their hearts, minds and businesses.

Passionate about living life on purpose, Sally is all about honouring and accepting the fullness of self.

In-powering her clients to experience life in beautiful, bold, expansive ways is how they create and attract abundance and success into their lives.

Guiding her clients to dive deeply into their vision and mission, Sally shares her aligned approach to building online businesses that have a deeply positive impact in the world.

Sally is a Yorkshire Lass who grew up in 80's South Africa and is on a mission to inspire you to fulfil your dreams and potential in order to create a more in-powered and happy world.

Find out about how to work with Sally privately in her unique Mentorships or in a supportive group setting in The Prosperous Coach Collective


If you're an established online business owner who knows a few tweaks and focus will get you headed in the right direction...[BUT YOU'VE EITHER NEVER WORKED WITH A BUSINESS MENTOR BEFORE SO ARE UNSURE IF IT'S FOR YOU, OR YOU'VE BEEN BURNED WITH A BAD EXPERIENCE AND WANT TO TEST THE WATERS]

I invite you to book a 30 Minute 'Plan Of Action Session'Here's what happens during a POA Session...

  • Look at your niche, programs and price points to see what's possible for you in the next 90 days
  • Assess your current marketing, sales and delivery systems to uncover the #1 thing that's been holding you and your business back
  • Develop a 3-step action plan to get you unstuck, levelled-up and moving forward
  • You'll leave clear, confident and excited to take your coaching business to the next level