As a coach, all you want to do is coach, right?
If only it were that simple.
To get to do the coaching you love so much, you need to sell your coaching…right?
Yup. This is true.
But HOW are you going about selling your coaching?
If you’re talking about coaching, how great coaching is, how great you are as a coach, and why people should work with you as their coach, chances are your coaching isn’t selling.
This is because you are selling the wrong thing.
Your dream clients aren’t looking for coaching.
The motivating factor isn’t
‘I’m desperate to work with a coach’.
The motivating factors are:
‘I’ve got a problem I don’t want’
‘I have a goal I don’t know how to get’
‘What I’m doing isn’t working’
Coaching is sold in the gap between where your dream client is now, and where they want to be.
It’s up to YOU to identify what this gap is, and talk to that in your marketing and messaging.
An effective way of identifying this gap is to look at the CURRENT SITUATION:
Problem | Pain Points | Challenges | Feeling
And then identifying the FUTURE SITUATION:
Goal | Aspiration | Ambition
The space between the two is the GAP…and that’s what you should be selling.
It’s pretty easy to mix-up Problems, Pains, Challenges and Feelings, so I’m going to use my business coaching clients’ to provide a clear demonstration of each:
- Unsure how to package / sell coaching
- Unclear on coaching identity and client niche
- Lack of systems / processes
- Lack of marketing knowledge
- No clear plan how to make money consistently
- Financial: lack of consistent income
- Knowledge: what to do, how, when and why
- Process: how to get a flow of leads into the business
- Productivity: wasting time on things that don’t work
- Support: need that critical stage support from an expert
- Confidence: need to build confidence in themselves as a coach
- Getting new clients / consistent flow of clients
- Retaining clients / passive income
- Managing time
- Lack of business and marketing knowledge / experience
- Keeping focussed / lots of distractions
Frustrated, stressed, pressure, embarrassed, confused, overwhelmed, tired, desperate, sad.
Part of your role is to help your dream clients realise the way they are feeling is a result of their specific problem, pain or challenge.
We don’t know what we don’t know…so your dream client may feel frustrated, but not be totally sure why.
This is why it’s important to clearly explain WHY they are feeling a certain kinda way.
For example:
Are you frustrated that hardly anyone responds to your social media posts? This could be because the stuff you’re posting doesn’t resonate deeply with your dream client…
I’ve spoken to a feeling they may be having, and pointed it at a problem or challenge they may not even have realised existed!
Your messaging and marketing should incorporate an education element explaining why certain feelings may be occurring, then you paint a picture of what could be…
The goals, aspirations and ambitions of your dream clients are easier to clearly identify, and identify them you must.
The challenge here is – lots of people don’t spend any real time clarifying very precisely what they DO want.
OR, they may not know what the solution is, or that it even exists.
They may be very clear about what they don’t want (this pain, problem, challenge or feeling), but they may need some help figuring out what they do what.
This is the second part of the education process that WILL sell your coaching more effectively.
It’s time for you to paint a picture of the dream scenario, like:
Imagine getting loads of engagement every time you post. Better still, imaging the content you post leading to regular DMs and booked discovery calls with you.
Now they know what the future can look like, it’s time for Part 3 of this ‘selling coaching’ process…
YOU are the solution – YOU are the one who can bridge the gap between the pain and the dream scenario.
Your messaging and marketing has helped them realise they have a problem, guided them to see there is another way, and now that other way has to point to your solution.
It’s important to help them understand there is another way…and that way is YOU!
Let me demonstrate:
This is possible for you – gain instant access to over 200 strategically crafted content prompts that will deeply connect with your community and convert them into excited clients – buy The Core Content Vault and never waste your precious time posting to crickets again!
So I’ve pointed out the pain, aligned that pain with a specific challenge, and pointed them directly at my solution.
The final part is the Call To Action.
This can be Comment, Share, DM, Book a Call, Enrol, or in this case: BUY NOW:
The Core Content Vault is your ticket to easy street – say goodbye to frustration and tumble-weeds and hello to a fully booked discovery call calendar. Simply follow this link to buy the Core Content Vault for only ÂŁ27.50=> https://sallyoddy.com/core-content-vault
I’ve used the example of selling a micro-offer digital product, the it’s the same when selling your coaching, or any service you provide.
Don’t sell coaching.
Sell the YOU AS THE BRIDGE that will take them from point A to point B.

Sally Oddy has a business and marketing career spanning over 20 years and brings huge passion, creativity and courage to everything she does.
A business owner since 2012, Sally has transitioned from her Outsourced Head of Marketing consulting business to the online world as a Business & Marketing Coach.
Sally guides coaches who are starting out to discovery their unique coaching identity, connect with their dream clients, create offers that sell and master their marketing.
This is all takes place in The Clarity Academy – an intimate 12 week coaching experience to gain clarity on your mission, niche, clients, offers, messaging and marketing.
To find out more about The Clarity Academy and enrol, click here> https://sallyoddy.com/clarity-academy

Let's do this together xx
MEET SALLY ODDYBusiness, Marketing & Mindset Mentor
Sally works with soulpreneurs, pouring over 20 years experience into their hearts, minds and businesses.
Passionate about living life on purpose, Sally is all about honouring and accepting the fullness of self.
In-powering her clients to experience life in beautiful, bold, expansive ways is how they create and attract abundance and success into their lives.
Guiding her clients to dive deeply into their vision and mission, Sally shares her aligned approach to building online businesses that have a deeply positive impact in the world.
Sally is a Yorkshire Lass who grew up in 80's South Africa and is on a mission to inspire you to fulfil your dreams and potential in order to create a more in-powered and happy world.
Find out about how to work with Sally privately in her unique Mentorships or in a supportive group setting in The Prosperous Coach Collective
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