How to Find the Subconscious Block Hiding in Plain Sight: A Guide for Coaches
As coaches, we are in the business of transformation. We help our clients break through limiting beliefs, step into their power, and create the results they dream of. But sometimes, we need to turn the mirror on ourselves. Despite all the mindset work, strategy sessions, and soul-searching, there are moments when we feel stuck—as if something invisible is holding us back from that next level of success, fulfillment, or freedom.
That invisible something? It’s often a subconscious block—one that’s hiding in plain sight.
Subconscious blocks are deeply embedded patterns of thought, belief, or emotion that influence how we show up in our businesses and lives. The challenge is that they operate beneath our conscious awareness, making them difficult to spot and even harder to shift.
In this post, I’m going to guide you, as a fellow coach, through the process of identifying and working through these hidden blocks. We’ll dive into some of the most common subconscious blocks among coaches and explore practical steps to help you uncover and move beyond them.
What Exactly is a Subconscious Block?
Before we dive into the ‘how,’ let’s get clear on what subconscious blocks are.
A subconscious block is an internal, automatic program running in the background of your mind. It often takes the form of a limiting belief or emotional pattern created from past experiences. These blocks are usually rooted in fear, self-doubt, or trauma, and while you may not be consciously aware of them, they shape your actions, decisions, and ultimately, your results.
For example, you might consciously desire to scale your coaching business, raise your rates, or launch a new program—but find yourself procrastinating, avoiding opportunities, or feeling paralyzed by fear. This is a classic case of a subconscious block at play.
Common Subconscious Blocks Coaches Face
As coaches, we’re often driven by purpose and passion. However, this very passion can make us vulnerable to some specific blocks that sabotage our progress. Here are a few I see regularly among my clients:
1. Fear of Visibility: “What if they don’t like me?”
One of the most common blocks for coaches is a fear of being seen. Whether it’s stepping up on social media, launching a new offer, or raising your rates, there’s often a deep-seated fear of being judged, rejected, or criticized.
Real-World Example:
I had a client, let’s call her Sarah, who was an expert in her field but struggled with showing up consistently online. Every time she planned to go live on Instagram or post a personal story, she would freeze. After some deep work, we uncovered that as a child, Sarah was often told to “be quiet” and “not cause a fuss” by her parents. This ingrained belief—that being seen or heard would lead to rejection—was still running in her subconscious. Once she recognized this, we were able to work through it, and she started showing up more confidently, transforming her online presence.
2. Imposter Syndrome: “Who am I to coach others?”
Despite their qualifications and experience, many coaches struggle with imposter syndrome. This block is often driven by a belief that you’re not “expert” enough, that you don’t know enough, or that someone else is better suited for the role. This doubt can make you over-prepare, undercharge, or even avoid opportunities that could elevate your business.
Real-World Example:
Another client, Marie, had been coaching for five years and had tremendous success stories with her clients. Yet, she constantly questioned whether she was “good enough” to raise her rates or speak at industry events. We traced this block back to her early career, where she worked in an environment that constantly reinforced the idea that she needed more qualifications to be taken seriously. After addressing this, Marie was able to reposition herself as an authority in her niche and finally begin charging what her expertise was worth.
3. Fear of Success: “What if I can’t handle it?”
Yes, you read that right. Many coaches, whether consciously or unconsciously, have a fear of success. This often manifests as self-sabotage—procrastination, perfectionism, or constantly pivoting before seeing the results of one approach. The fear here is not about failure, but about the potential pressure, responsibility, or expectations that come with success.
Real-World Example:
One of my clients, Laura, had a thriving one-to-one coaching business but was terrified of scaling. Every time she was on the verge of launching a group program, she would pull back, claiming she “wasn’t ready” or that it wasn’t the “right time.” After some deep reflection, Laura realized she was afraid that more success would mean losing her freedom or not being able to maintain the quality of her work. Once we addressed the underlying block, she successfully launched her group program and created a more sustainable work-life balance.
How to Identify Your Subconscious Blocks
Now that we’ve outlined some common blocks, how do you go about finding your own?
1. Look for Patterns in Your Business
The first step in uncovering subconscious blocks is to identify where you’re stuck or encountering recurring patterns. Pay attention to areas of your business where things seem to stall or go wrong despite your best efforts.
Ask yourself:
- Where do I feel frustrated or blocked?
- Are there any recurring patterns (e.g., procrastination, self-sabotage, fear) that show up when I’m about to take a big step forward?
- How do I feel when things don’t go as planned? Is there a pattern to my emotional reactions?
2. Identify Emotional Triggers
Subconscious blocks often reveal themselves through emotional triggers—intense feelings that arise in response to certain situations. These emotions can provide valuable clues about what’s really going on beneath the surface.
Ask yourself:
- What situations trigger strong emotions like fear, jealousy, or frustration?
- What thoughts come up when I feel triggered? (e.g., “I’ll never be good enough” or “They’ll think I’m a fraud”)
3. Revisit Your Early Beliefs
Our subconscious mind is shaped by early experiences, particularly in childhood. These early messages form the foundation of the beliefs that drive our behavior as adults.
Ask yourself:
- What beliefs about success, money, or worthiness did I learn from my family, culture, or early experiences?
- How might these beliefs be showing up in my business now?
How to Work Through Subconscious Blocks
Once you’ve identified a block, it’s time to work through it. Here’s how:
1. Challenge the Limiting Belief
The first step in shifting a block is to challenge the belief that’s holding you back. Ask yourself whether this belief is 100% true, and look for evidence that contradicts it.
For example, if your block is, “I’m not expert enough to raise my rates,” challenge this by listing all the ways you’ve helped clients and the results you’ve achieved.
2. Reframe the Belief
Once you’ve challenged the limiting belief, create a new empowering belief to replace it. This new belief should align with your goals and the version of yourself you want to become.
For example, instead of, “I’m not expert enough,” reframe the belief to, “I have valuable expertise that clients are willing to pay for.”
3. Take Aligned Action
Action is the antidote to fear. Once you’ve reframed the belief, take one small step that aligns with your new mindset. If your block was around visibility, maybe you schedule a live video or pitch yourself for a podcast. If it was around raising your rates, take that first step by quoting your new prices to a potential client.
4. Practice Self-Compassion
Working through subconscious blocks can feel uncomfortable, so it’s important to be kind to yourself during the process. Acknowledge that these beliefs are not a reflection of your worth, but rather patterns you’ve outgrown.
Finding and overcoming subconscious blocks is an ongoing journey, even for experienced coaches. By bringing these hidden barriers to the surface, you can unlock new levels of growth and freedom—not only for yourself but also for your clients. The key is awareness: once you can identify what’s holding you back, you can begin to dismantle those beliefs and create new patterns that support your highest potential.
Remember, you’re not alone in this. The more we, as coaches, do this inner work, the more we can empower our clients to do the same. Keep going—you’ve got this!

Let's do this together xx
MEET SALLY ODDYBusiness, Marketing & Mindset Mentor
Sally works with soulpreneurs, pouring over 20 years experience into their hearts, minds and businesses.
Passionate about living life on purpose, Sally is all about honouring and accepting the fullness of self.
In-powering her clients to experience life in beautiful, bold, expansive ways is how they create and attract abundance and success into their lives.
Guiding her clients to dive deeply into their vision and mission, Sally shares her aligned approach to building online businesses that have a deeply positive impact in the world.
Sally is a Yorkshire Lass who grew up in 80's South Africa and is on a mission to inspire you to fulfil your dreams and potential in order to create a more in-powered and happy world.
Find out about how to work with Sally privately in her unique Mentorships or in a supportive group setting in The Prosperous Coach Collective
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