Attracting Ready Clients: The Key to Sustainable Coaching Business Success

Read time: 4 minutes OMG This info is ⭐️GOLD⭐️ Hello and welcome back to another exciting day in growing your Leveraged Lifestyle Business 🎉 In today’s brief I’m shedding light on 💰Ready Clients… 🤔 Who your ‘Ready Clients’ are 🤓 Why ‘Ready Clients’ quickly turn into Dream Clients 🧐 ‘Other’ types of Clients in your audience 💡…

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How to Market Your Online Coaching Program for Maximum Success

How to Market Your Online Coaching Course for Maximum Success by Sally Oddy

If you’re an online coach, then you know that marketing your coaching program is essential to your success. But where do you start? How do you reach your target audience? In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and strategies for marketing your online coaching program. We’ll cover everything from creating a strong branding…

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10 Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business

10 Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business with Sally Oddy

There are many marketing strategies that you can use to grow your business. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 of the most effective ones. 1. Create a strong online presence. 2. Use social media to reach new customers. 3. Optimize your website for search engines. 4. Develop a content marketing strategy. 5. Invest…

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The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Online Coaching Business

The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Online Coaching Business by Sally Oddy

Are you passionate about helping others achieve their goals? Do you have a lot of knowledge and experience in a certain area that you could share with others? If so, then starting an online coaching business might be the perfect career for you! In this guide, we will teach you everything you need to know…

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Your whole marketing strategy can be distilled down to just three simple words: ATTRACT, CONNECT, CONVERT First, you need to ATTRACT a high volume of aligned leads into your business. The easiest way to do that is by sharing Evergreen Question-Answer content. The best platforms to use are those mapped to Global Search, meaning YouTube,…

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What do to if your Coaching Course Launch Fails…

You’ve put your heart and soul into creating your group coaching course. You’ve created a curriculum you feel will deliver huge transformation for your aligned clients and just KNOW it’s gonna be incredible! You’ve worked out exactly how you’ll deliver it, how much coaching support you’ll include, all the logistics are in place. You craft…

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If you want to release your reliance on social media AND connect reliably with your clients and prospects – email is the way to do it! Email open rates are way higher than social media post read-rates AND when people open and read emails they are more likely to be fully engaged in reading that…

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“I did it! I created a Single Asset that consistently generates the impact and income I’ve been striving for!’ Do you know what it feels like to feel in your heart you have a powerful message and a strong desire to reach and teach people, but lack the tactics and focus to do the Right…

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The curse of the 6 figure launch

Have you been feeling frustrated and left-out because you haven’t achieved the Famous 6-Figure Launch? Everyone seems to be popping corks as their bank accounts overflow with get-rich-quick cash and overnight success! But is this something you really should aspire to…? If you’ve been feeling a 6-Figure Longing I’m here to completely shift your way…

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