How I started my business

sally oddy clarity coach

In March 2012, I was Head of Marketing for a national accounting firm that was on shaky ground. The business had gone through lots of changes, and it’s future was uncertain. I had a decision to make: stay in the corporate world or go it alone. I chose the latter, and it’s a decision I’ve…

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Seven years ago, when I announced to my husband that I wanted to quit my successful marketing career and start my own business, the first thing he asked was ‘Where is your Business Plan?’ Business Plan!? I didn’t have one. As a marketer I’ve created countless marketing plans, but a business plan was new territory,…

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3 things every NEW business SHOULD stop doing

Sally Oddy Clarity Coach

When we launch our new business our heads are filled with visions of more fun, freedom and financial security…the reality can be starkly different! We quickly discover that this is no joke, and all that freedom and money is gonna take a huge amount of courage and effort to achieve. As a Business Coach, I…

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sally oddy clarity coach

Yes!!! I’ve worked for months on this new offer and it’s finally time for the launch!! I know for sure my audience will absolutely love this new offer, and my first 5 figure launch is on the cards with this one! I can’t wait to see the Pounds roll in as my dream clients stumble…

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Sally Oddy Clarity Coach

So, you’ve been in business for a while now and things are rockin’ and rollin’, but something is off. Clients and money are flowing in, but you aren’t happy and feel like a slave to your business. You’ve fallen down several social media sized holes, watched countless hours of free webinars, and feel like you’ve…

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